The River Flows

The river runs its course-less course
It sings its song to all who have ears to listen and those who don't
While whispering amongst the flowers she sings a lullaby to all her furry friends
But is it not silly to think that so much time has come and gone

To think that we have been caught up in nonsense without every truly stopping to listen

These hands are mine but do I really know the delicacies of each fingerprint
These lips are mine but do I really know how they glisten when the sun beats down upon them

We live to see another day but we have left behind so many days truly un-lived
We desire to be held by another but have never truly been held by ourself
How would it be for just one day to truly live this day?

To dance if we are dancing and cry if we are crying
The river of time keeps on moving by


Beware Of The Dharma


Sweet & Bitter Baths