Our Medicines
Plant Medicines and Rituals of our retreats
Ambiwaska is a powerful plant spirit used for thousands of years by indigenous cultures of the Amazon. Grandmother Ambiwaska is a power plant spirit who can support us in our awakening and healing journey. It helps us turn inwards and reconcile with parts of ourselves that we have been running from. It also guides the direction of our lives and teaches us how to live from the heart.
This plant acts as a purgative in many cultures. It is said that the entire world lives in our stomachs. The plant comes in to clean us physically, emotionally, and spiritually of old traumas and karmic winds that are keeping us in bondage.
Sweet and Bitter Plants
The wisdom and intelligence of plants have been known forever by those who lived close to the earth. In our tribes, we work with sweet and bitter plant technologies. These plants can be used in baths or steam showers.
When working with sweet plants, we use basil, rosemary, lemongrass, mint, and so on. These plants guide us back into qualities of love, kindness, and ease. Then, we use bitter plants such as tobacco, ambiwaska, chacruna, rue, sage, and so on. These plants detoxify the energy field and bring protection and strength.
It is a class of stinging nettles that is used in ceremonies in Putumayo, Colombia by different Indigenous tribes.
In our ceremonies the ortiga is used to cleanse the physical, mental and spiritual bodies. The plant is hit around the participant of the body and when this happens each spine of the plant is injecting millions of millions of molecule of understanding into the auric body or energy body of the person. So it effectiively comes and first cleanses the being and then brings in wisdom of the people or spirits of the Ortiga.
Mambe & Ambil
Ambil is the liquid pasty form of tobacco that is placed on the tip of the pinky finger, the finger of humility, to be eaten in prayer. Ambil is often used in the presence of Mambe, and the union of these two plants clarifies, sweetens communications, and makes us more sincere in our dealings with one another. The combination of the plants represents the sacred union of the Father Creator, represented by tobacco, and the Mother Earth is Mambe. Ambil alone realigns our chakras, grounds us emotionally, and encourages positive, insightful conversation.
Tobacco / Rapé
Tobacco is used to cleanse deeper, to go to the root of the problem. It can be also used as a purgative to cleanse really stuck energies. Very powerful. And in all ancestral ceremonies it is present as an ingredient that accompanies other sacred medicines
Rapé is a powder that is blown up the nose to clear the passages and bring clarity and healing. The Rapé used is very powerful and beautiful, it is a combination of several plants from the Amazons that work amazingly well alongside with ceremony