Beware Of The Dharma
Eli post two silence retreat at Forest Refuge in Barre, Massachusetts
The Awake state has like a different color to it.. more brightness or like the lights have been turned on. It has a feeling of goodness. Like a sigh of relief after finishing a bad drama movie.. star character me, narrator me, producer me and so on.
It’s strange too because it’s like just about the same but there is a color of blue now. So familiar and yet something has shifted. Not really able to put my finger on it… but there is a settling that’s happened. A resting… Mmmm.
Now can’t I just strap myself here? A restraining order to stay in the Self. If you leave the Self you’ll be sentence to death. The Self is a castle and there is a moat of hungry crocodiles around you so don’t dare to leave or death is certain.
Wouldn’t that be nice a sentence to life in Self. This would be a sentence. The judge has decided that you will spend the rest of your life in Self! The audience murmurs oh my not a life sentence to Self. We haven’t heard that one before. Luckily you are a Dharma practitioner and you are delighted with your sentence.
After years of committing acts of meditation, capital sins of kindness and generosity, unlawful acts of selfless service, you are finally reaping your karma of a sentence to life in self. In this sentence you will be totally alone as there is just the one true Self. You’ll be forced to see everything through the eyes of equanimity and balance. You will be stripped of all desires and attachments and only left with inner peace.
If you are sane and have been wisely running your whole life from happiness then don’t make the same mistakes as this practitioner of the Dharma. Once they started to meditate it was a slippery slope ever since. Day by day and moment by moment they fell deeper into presence. They were lured away from life’s luxuries to sit in nature and looking within at their true being. If in your heart you believe in the energies of greed, hatred and fear then quick look the other way and run!
This is your last chance. If you are reading these words, it may already be too late for you. The Dharma is coming.
BEWARE: If you or friends happen to see the Dharma, keep your children and elderly inside. Beware of people who are happy and generous. Also, stay away from people you see doing nothing and at all costs anyone who is cross-legged with their eyes closed.